Traumatic Personal Injury and Loss of Limbs By Sean Burke on December 01, 2017

Man with prosthetic leg Personal injury cases often have a life changing impact on the victim. A personal injury and loss of limbs case is especially traumatic, and requires the victim to adjust to an entire new lifestyle. This could include extensive rehabilitation or physical therapy, or the need for a prosthetic device.

The Orange County, CA attorneys at Burke Law are familiar with the challenges associated with these types of cases and work hard to obtain full and fair compensation for their clients. We give personal injury and loss of limbs matters our full attention so your recovery is maximized.

Common Causes of Loss of Limb Injuries

An accident that results in a catastrophic injury may result in an amputation of a limb. This requires complex surgery, and the recovery can last a lifetime. Common causes of personal injury that leads to loss of limb are:

  • Car and truck accidents, including wrecks that include semi-trucks or other heavy commercial vehicles.
  • Motorcycle crashes.
  • Accidents that happen on a construction site, where many of the moving parts are heavy pieces of machinery with the ability to inflict a great amount of force on a person.
  • Medical malpractice matters, where a surgery did not go as planned and caused more harm than it did good. A botched medical procedure can have serious complications.
  • Accidents involving passenger vehicles and bicycles.

Compensation for Loss of Limbs

In any personal injury case, the victim is entitled to seek reimbursement for the damages suffered. This may include repayment of medical expenses and time lost at work.

It may even include compensation for pain and suffering and the cost of prescription medication. In a case where the injury is so severe that the only answer is amputation, the amputee is entitled to recover:

  • Medical expenses, including the cost of complicated surgeries and any ongoing care that is required. This also includes rehabilitation and physical therapy.
  • The cost of any prosthetic device needed after the amputation has been performed. The expenses of a prosthetic include more than just the device and often times include the time of a specialist and follow up visits to guarantee the device fits properly.
  • Lost wages and any cost incurred to learn a new vocation, if the victim is unable to return to their prior position.
  • Expenses associated with any needs to remodel or make changes at home to accommodate special physical needs.
  • The cost of a caregiver or assistance as needed, in home or otherwise.
  • Psychological treatment costs, resulting from possible depression related to the accident and adjustment needed to return to your life.

Every case is different, but we know where to look in your case when making a request for full reimbursement for your injuries. Our goal is to get you the compensation you deserve so you can move forward without the worry of mounting medical expenses.

Who to Ask for Help with a Personal Injury Case

If you have been in an accident and suffered a catastrophic injury such as the loss of a limb, the Law Offices of Burke Law can help. We focus on helping people hurt in accidents maximize their recovery. Let us help you today. Contact us online or call our office at (949) 438-4416.

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