C-Section Surgery Causing Long-Term Pain? Here's What to Do By Sean Burke on October 15, 2021

Couple discussing issue with an attorneyIf you suffer from long-term pain caused by a C-section, you may have a medical malpractice claim against your healthcare provider or the hospital where your Caesarean section took place. The strength of your case depends on the facts of the incident.

Our medical malpractice attorneys have more than 50 combined years in legal practice. In particular, they have courtroom experience and a deep understanding of settlement practices. The team at Burke Argos in Irvine, CA, discuss the basics of medical malpractice, and how these laws may apply to mothers injured during the birth of their child.

What Is Medical Malpractice?

The term medical malpractice refers to a healthcare personnel and/or facility that failed to provide treatment that meets the professional standard of care. Perhaps the healthcare provider failed to take treatment action following best practices, or provided treatment that resulted in the patient's injury or death.

Another way of saying this is that the negligence involved in medical malpractice generally means a medical error of some stripe. The error during a C-section might involve:

  • Rushed or botched C-section
  • Unnecessary C-section
  • Injuries to internal organs
  • Infection from the C-section procedure
  • Improper placement or closure of the incision

How Can a Medical Malpractice Action Help?

The negligence theory covering malpractice allows the injured patient to recover compensation from the negligent healthcare provider. In order to recover compensation, the injured patient must provide evidence that:

  • The healthcare provider failed to provide the proper standard of healthcare;
  • You were injured as a result of the negligence; and
  • The injury must have consequences, such as pain and suffering, loss of income, long-term disability, or long-term hardship.

In addition to long-term pain from C-section procedures, related examples of medical malpractice include injuries during childbirth and infant brain injuries from surgical mistakes.

What Kind of Compensation Qualify as Damages?

Compensatory damages mean the reimbursement of medical expenses, nonmedical expenses, and the assessment of punitive damages. Medical expenses refer to doctor fees and surgical costs. Nonmedical expenses refer to things such as loss of income, and pain and suffering. Medical and nonmedical compensatory damages are meant to make the injured person whole by paying money to redress the impact of the injuries.

The law also permits punitive damages in medical malpractice cases to punish the healthcare provider for the egregious acts, or to help deter others in the medical field from engaging in the same type of conduct.

Burke Argos Can Help You Move Forward

You want a medical malpractice attorney with the training and legal knowledge to fight for your interests. Burke Argos in Irvine is here to help. We can help mothers suffering from nerve damage and excessive scarring after a C-section seek legal damages.

Request a Legal Consultation Today

Time is of the essence because strict time limits apply to medical malpractice under California's statute of limitations. Call one of our lawyers in Irvine today at (949) 644-3434 to schedule an initial overview of the facts of your case. You can also contact our law firm online to discuss your legal options.

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